Samuel Ryder biography available at Celtic Manor

Celtic Manor - 2010 Ryder Cup Venue

Celtic Manor - 2010 Ryder Cup Venue

I am pleased to report that copies of my Samuel Ryder biography are now available at the Celtic Manor Hotel – venue for the 2010 Ryder Cup matches taking place in the autumn of 2010.

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5 Responses to “ Samuel Ryder biography available at Celtic Manor ”

  1. The Golfers Rap (video excerpt) From: ZanZclan

    The Golfers Rap was written to attract the younger generation to golf as a sport in a quirky style we can all relate to, with the added coincidence that the writer Ysanne aka Zan (who came up with the original concept for the song & video), lives in the town of the birthplace of the Ryder Cup, and has family who play golf and live near the Celtic Manor where The Ryder Cup is being played this year on the 2010 course!

    Also meeting Peter Fry the author of “Samuel Ryder — The Man behind the Ryder Cup” who makes a cameo appearance in the video and whose book launch coincides with the release of ZanZclans’ song and video.

    Coincidences come in 4’s with ZanZclan with the rapper having prior to having heard anything about this song had designed a “Mr.TwentyTen” t-shirt – check it out at

  2. Forr the author,

    Please contact us by email if possible.
    My husband is a grandson of Ruby Ryder, daughter of James Ryder and cousin of Joan, Samuel Ryder’s daughter. (My husbands’s mother has died but the other two of Ruby’s children survive. Theyare in their eighties. They often talk about the days when the family had wealth and was able to donate the Ryder cup!

    We would love to hear from you and to learn more from your research about the family history.

    Yours sincerely,

    Janet Wilson

  3. my name is helen craig,we have spoke peter and i look forward to meeting you,enjoying your father who sadly passed away two yrs ago was the grandson of james ryder his mother was alice ryder,my granmother alice would be the sister to ruby who’s family have contacted you in uncle, james ryders grandson and probabley i believe to be his eldest grandson lives around the corner from me,and also tells me of the life of the ryders very interesting would love for us all to get together whilst some are still with us. maybe you could pass on the details or arrange this thanking you helen

  4. Hi

    I have been reading about Samuel Ryder and was curious if I was related to him at all. I thought at first it was a long shot (excuse the golf pun) but then I read that he grew up in and around Manchester, where I was born and where a lot my family still live. I wonder if anyone has any further insight into this? I cant seem to trace his family beyond his daughters.


  5. Yes Marion Ryder oldest daughter of “John” Sam’s baby brother. Came to Canada in late 1920’s Marion was my grandmother. Contact